Monday 22 September 2008



Wednesday 6 August 2008


今天终于有机会继续读我在台湾的SEVEN买的书。 那是本关于一对父子用步行环绕台湾全岛的真实记绿。 看着书中的爸爸拍摄的照片, 我突然感觉到一个要翻翻我自己不久前在台湾所拍摄的画面的冲动。很奇秒, 原本累透的我竟然又充满了熬夜的力量。 我想这也算是种爱的动力吧!感谢主赐给我这种因爱创造而比较不会累的力量。可是我毕竟还是人, 明天必需上任另一种创造之类的工作, 今晚还是先休息明晚再继续比较对自己对工作负责任吧。


Monday 23 June 2008

"I don't remember much about that holiday.
Just you and me, and that beautiful dappled light."

(a preview of some ongoings)






(just had to let this out of my mind before going quite far and quite away and looking for other maybe better ways to translate this feeling photographically. see you all in 20 days!)

Saturday 21 June 2008

the tree that kenahded // while i was not far, but away.


this was one of the first things i noticed the morning after i got back from genting last friday. i took a photo then and some line from a jack johnson song floated to mind. i checked on it again this morning after talking about it last night or rather some time earlier this morning. the tree didn't resurrect. some construction work has been going on at the front of this secret fenced up field i spy on from my window. i just hope they don't kill the field into another mammoth condo....just like the one i live in.


at least the mysterious grass circles i quite often wonder about are still there... but i guess they might have once been great trees too...

Wednesday 4 June 2008

the remains of the may

oke here's a quickpick of the events i have been caught up with.... i really need to stop filling up my weeks with nonstop days but then again i am glad that i.....

....shot portraits of my classmates for our gradshow and gradbook. i think these were the more tame shots, haha to see more power ones please go get a copy of our gradbook or well, ask me lah. heh. and i also put together this contact sheet as a farewell thingy for our power thesis tutor who went back home to finland a few weeks back.

.........caught a concert that i have been waiting for for the longest time haha. suffice to say, he is one of my favourites.


............performed with our friends in the lindy hop club in school at the university cultural centre. it was a blast! thanks to all who came down to support us in our little two minute debut haha. and yeah also realised i should probably start learning to differentiate eye shadow from wood dust after feeling totally lost backstage during make-up time...

.....................and survived our grad show at Central. yeah we sleepover in studio, we also sleepover at our own shows. must jagah our stuff overnight marh.. and sorry that i didn't do my invitations for this very thoroughly cos i was just stuck in nonstop days the past month....i promise that all of you will get proper invites in advance for the next show i am involved in, whatever wherever it'll be when it does happen!

and somewhere amidst all the madness above we also managed to run the sundown marathon...oke so we ran the team challenge which was just 10.5km each lah but still it was quite a feat considering we hadn't run such lengths for a long time. running at night was a lot easier as compared to the realrun we ran in the morning at sentosa two years back though so heh maybe we'll go for the marathon next year..but that'll definitely need a lot of real training....

so thank God for the past month, the past years, the many moments and the life ahead and beyond that wouldn't happen at all without Him!

i will be doing some goingaways in june/july. this time not far, but away. first to a church camp in awana genting from the 9th to the 13th and then to taiwan with the IDiots tentatively from the 23rd to the 11th. so catch me if/while you can!

Saturday 3 May 2008

time to reset my room // photos from february and march 2008.

oke now that 4 years of school is pretty much over except for gradshow which will happen at the end of the month, i finally have some real time for myself and my family and my see less often but still love as much friends.

but first, i need to reset my room, back to the roomwithaview ikeacataloguesque glory it can be found in after a good packing session (usually around chinese new year) because my room is a place where i can......

see a stairway to heaven in a bleach accident.

be reminded to occasionally transcend reality by an oldschool old school exit sign.

find relief in my very limited floor space.

jolt memories with things i don't use so much now but still keep.
(muji slippers from koala for sweden and pseudo japanese blue and white ah mah slippers from the market.)

and thrive in some sort of (regularly but rarely) organised chaos.

hrmm come by sometime, i think we can fit about 2 humans and 10 beers in here comfortably haha.

oke oke no more beer, 10 ....... cups of good tea or whatever other goodstuffneverbluff lah.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

like they say, design is a family affair...

when channelling my seamstress roots failed, my mum who used to run a sewing school with her sisters stepped in. would not have survived without her.

not the most willing models, but ever caring. heh. my brother and my aunt in between moments of simulated interaction haha.

well i guess God is familyandmore too. this verse encouraged me through many a difficult night and has secretly become a part of my prototype heh.

and then there's family that you can choose - aka the good people you are blessed with as great friends. 远亲不如近邻。really true man. thank yous. the supernear, quitenear, notasnearbutgotcar and previouslyquitenear. :]

Jehovah-jireh. God has provided and thus i have survived. to God be the glory. thank You.

(and woohoo!!! can lindy anytime again now! haha priorities, priorities......oke and can taf club full-time again too. heh. joy!)

Thursday 17 April 2008

you know you've been sitting on your bum too long when...


..... your chair systematically falls apart in front of you.

many days on my bum in front of the computer = broken chair......such is the thesis disease. not long more!! i hope!

Tuesday 15 April 2008

friendly neighbourhood photographer

Photo 417.jpg

Photo 421.jpg

realisations from a shooting break downstairs. do click on the picture to see it bigger and read it in flickr. hrmm if my handwriting is illegible tell me, then i'll transcript it into readable text here heh. :]

Saturday 12 April 2008

window to a storm // 12.05pm



aish, as jane would say. hais, as i would say. may, may, come today.

unexpected rain // early early 11th april 2008.


there were sharper pictures in the set. but hey sharper pictures and feeling sianded about unexpected rain at seven in the morning were never quite the best of friends anyway...

staring at the pool intently while waiting // 5th april 2008.


while waiting for friendly neighbourhood friends to arrive for a saturday morning unwindmymind swim.

my auntie tells me she wanted to get my dad to take photos of us doing our pseudo synchronised swimming moves, but unfortunately the camera was not whipped out in time. (er....thankfully...or not..)

Sunday 6 April 2008

kitchen stories // 12th august 2007 + 29th march 2008.


this is one of the first things i remembered seeing after getting home from being away in sweden for six months last year. i wanted to get a cup of water from the kitchen but was startled by this weird waving panda instead. my auntie had cut him out from a magazine and stuck him there to stop people from accidentally banging their heads against the sharp corner of a metal rack..


my auntie also has a practice of wrapping up all the vegetables and whateverthings in brown paper to supposedly help them keep better in the fridge. and she has this cool habit of sticking a leaf or some small characteristic part of the vegetable or whateverthing on the outside of the brown package so that she knows what is inside without having to unwrap to have a look. on one of my many late nights staying awake, i opened the fridge to check it out as part of my night time routine and was shocked to find these papers stuck outside two of the packages. i was like "wah!! aeroplanes!!" haha and then, "hrmm rocket lettuce??" and haha as i type now my auntie is scarily coincidentally unwrapping those two packages in front of me..and hrmm damn, no toy planes for me and not rocket lettuce either...just some regular cabbage or cabbage cousins.


on the same night/early morning, i leaned against the stove drinking my cup of water and was zoning out when i found myself staring at the floor, specifically staring at my old swimsuit from more than half my lifetime ago lying there on the floor. wah haha it is now the kitchen rag lor. really reduce reuse and recycle siah...though my inner designer quietly doubted the absorbency of an old swimsuit.

* * *

hrmm and kitchen stories is also one of my favourite little movies. i caught it at the film fest here some years back. it was a norwegian film about swedish researchers observing norwegian men in their kitchens so as to optimise their kitchen usage or something like that. and currently i forsee myself spending many late nights getting water and food in my kitchen really soon since our thesis is due at month's end. the calm has ended, let the storm begin!!! God be with us all no matter how things turn out. all the best!!

Thursday 27 March 2008

the rain after the sunshine // 24th march 2008.

big light in the sky. (somehow the word gloombloom comes to mind..)

even the guy in the tv also kenahs the rain in a moment of suspended reality.

the big light in the sky that moves.

i've always lived in the sky almost all of my life. and as long as i've had a tv, i always end up finding myself spending some time watching it reflected out there in the middle of nowhere. not sure why, but it's always been somewhat therapeutic. maybe i am a secret television addict who doesn't watch tv much otherwise.




18th march 2008
this is part of many ongoing necessary personal projects spontaneously generated to momentarily distract ourselves from work. this was inspired after a dapow dinner at the aircon place cindy calls her lao di fang where we discussed how pigeon could take photo with his favourite photocopy shop auntie.... since polaroids are running out, we decided to turn to the most old school and most black and white of all neoprint machines. come to our studio gallery and add to the project! haha.

Tuesday 25 March 2008

here comes the sun....(doo-doo-doo-dooh~)




blue skies gave way to a glorious sunset on 15th March 2008 after many days of nonstop rain and greyness. i love my roomwithaview.

but the livingroomwithaslightlackofaview is also not too shabby lah...

6:20pm, same day.

and then of course it rained for days after that lah. oh well! but it's oke. i shall be thankful for both the sunshine and the rain.

Tuesday 26 February 2008









finally got to go after many years of wanting to go, thanks to an unexpected but most welcome 8.30am morning call amidst my zonkedoutness from the past week of hosting friends from abroad. much thanks to hun, her dad and his friends.

Saturday 2 February 2008

because i am feeling nostalgic.



because i am feeling nostalgic before going for darkroom printing in school tomorrow with hun, and words are failing me, i dug up these old photos.

i feel like i am at a long drawn out moment before i have to make some big decision and yet am not even sure if i will manage to reach the point where i will have to make that some big decision.

oke lah, will try to enjoy this long drawn out moment as much as i can.

say :no: to negativity! oh, wait...

haha oke oke. positivity, yeah!